
#' Check if point(x, y) cross x = a or y = b line or not.
#' @example
#' df <- structure(list(long = c(-34.2078157528796, -36.2074309699417,
#' -38.2792884737378, -40.2170974851064, -42.1780335768454, -44.1455967338515,
#' -46.4166770126002, -48.2943755413367, -50.0298281808574, -51.3114969986729,
#' -52.5441609178788, -53.7237533552569, -54.8823832918566, -55.8138670417713,
#' -56.722942918336, -57.6053794360869, -58.6228611648525, -59.5945636149565,
#' -60.591387403632, -61.5473518311293, -62.1877994852336, -62.6515082234799,
#' -63.0336967876415, -63.1144294155782, -63.3581282050358, -63.7885840015858,
#' -64.1370270967451, -64.5242218821295, -64.7156587993305, -64.5240440927702,
#' -63.6592485824048, -61.9361108628757, -59.9644036105799, -57.6850668652962,
#' -55.6269026718672), lat = c(25.220877237296, 25.0449951402138,
#' 24.2921987727861, 23.7331891023609, 22.882202932219, 21.9955804595675,
#' 21.3357658016897, 20.7665536331803, 20.4345722631771, 20.1713918488524,
#' 19.9607061210464, 19.803542676299, 19.6514829290709, 19.2946576063146,
#' 19.0185917630829, 18.6544443206195, 18.350027781835, 18.4634817877027,
#' 18.8968767697435, 19.5874567186624, 20.3871126308597, 21.1001662298256,
#' 21.6360080794085, 22.214195275253, 22.6741813775321, 23.2123449093717,
#' 24.0670696428687, 25.3393933451918, 27.2736476853658, 29.0676356902004,
#' 30.8813383987791, 32.49317150619, 33.1745910761416, 34.2677474173933,
#' 35.0450609158249)), .Names = c("long", "lat"), row.names = c(NA,
#' -35L))
#' x.grid <- seq(-70, -30, by = 10)
#' res <- CrossX(df$long, df$lat, x.grid)
#' plot(df$long, df$lat)
#' abline( v = x.grid, col = 2)
#' points(res$x, res$y, col = ifelse(res$dir == "negative", 2, 3), pch = 19)
CrossX <- function(x, y, x.grid){
    cat('\n', 'positive means', '\n from left to right or \n bottom to top\n')

    d <- c(0, diff( findInterval(x, x.grid)))
    if (sum(d != 0) == 0)
                                        # negative direction
    res1 <- res2 <- NULL
    ind <- which(d < 0)
    if(length(ind) != 0){
        xx <- x.grid[ findInterval(x[ind], x.grid) + 1]
        if (length(ind) == 1){
            ind <- c(ind - 1, ind)
        } else {
            ind[1] <- ind[1] -1  # otherwise, the first interpolated will be NA.
        res1 <- approx(x[ind], y[ind], xx)
        res1$dir <- "negative"

                                        # positive direction
    ind <- which(d > 0)
    if(length(ind) != 0){
        xx <- x.grid[ findInterval(x[ind], x.grid) ]
        if (length(ind) == 1){
            ind <- c(ind - 1, ind)
        } else {
            ind[1] <- ind[1] -1  # otherwise, the first interpolated will be NA.
        res2 <- approx(x[ind], y[ind], xx)
        res2$dir <- "positive"

    res <- rbind(,