##' Transfer Laplace distirbution to original scale
##' Given a upper part of x, GPD is used to extrpolate . for y <= qu, empirical transformation. for y > qu, GPD
##' @title EVT
##' @param y numeric vector. Laplace distirbution
##' @param x numeric vector, original distirbution
##' @param qu numeric from 0 to 1.
##' @param coef numeric vector of 3 element. GPD parameters
##' @export
##' @author Yi Tang
y2x <- function(y, x, qu, coef){
    u <- rank(y, ties = "random")/(1+length(y))
    xx <- rep(NA, len = length(u))
    threshold <- quantile(x, qu)
    ind <- u <= qu
    xx[ind] <- quantile(x, u[ind])
    if (any(!ind )){
        sig <- coef[2]
        xi <- coef[3]
        xx[!ind] <- texmex::qgpd(1- (1 - u[!ind]) / (1 - qu), sigma = sig, xi = xi, u = 0) + threshold

##' Convert GPD distribution to GEV distribution
##' @title EVT
##' @param mu location parameter of GPD
##' @param sigma scale parameter of GPD
##' @param xi shape parameter of GPD
##' @param lambda lambda is the average clusters per year
##' @return GEV parameter
##' @export
##' @author Yi Tang
GPD2GEV <- function(mu, sigma, xi, lambda){
    mu = mu + sigma*(lambda^xi - 1) / xi
    sigma = sigma * lambda^xi
    xi = xi
    return(c(mu, sigma, xi))

##' Convert return level to return period
##' .. content for \details{} ..
##' @title EVT
##' @param rl return level
##' @param gev.mle gev parameter
##' @return returnp eriod
##' @export
##' @author Yi Tang
RL.to.RP <- function(rl, gev.mle){ # function that turns precip level to RP (rearranged)
    rp <-  1 / ( 1 - texmex::pgev(rl, mu = gev.mle[1], sigma = gev.mle[2], xi = gev.mle[3]))

#' automatically choose GPD threshold by coverage
optimGPDThreshold <- function(x){
    res <- gpdRangeFit(x, umin = quantile(x, 0.8), umax = quantile(x, 0.995), nint = 100)
    ## plot(res)
    phi <- data.table(th = res$th,
                      mle = res$par[, 1],
                      lb = res$lo[, 1],
                      ub = res$hi[, 1])
    xi <-  data.table(th = res$th,
                      mle = res$par[, 2],
                      lb = res$lo[, 2],
                      ub = res$hi[, 2])
    par <- data.table(rbind(phi, xi), par = rep(c("phi", "xi"), c(nrow(phi), nrow(xi))))
    xi[, n.id := 1:nrow(xi)]
    xi[, n.cover := {
        sum(lb <= xi$mle & ub >= xi$mle)
    }, by = n.id]
    opt.th <- xi[which.max(n.cover), th]